Roasted Tomato Bruschetta

Roasted Tomato Bruschetta

Yay, it’s summer! Kinda… We’ve been having some really weird weather lately.  You think it should be sunny and warm but nope! It’s cloudy, it’s windy and it’s muggy —ick! Regardless, Chris made some Mojitos over the weekend in celebration of summer-ish.  And when we drink, we like to nosh too.

I had a few fresh herbs on hand and some grape tomatoes and crusty bread sitting around.  So I made Bruschetta.  It was easy, quick to put together and delicious! Invite some friends over this weekend and make some cocktails and snack.  Happy Hump Day!

Roasted Tomato Bruschetta

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  • 1 (16 ounce) box of grape tomatoes
  • 3 clove of garlic, leave 1 minced and 2 whole
  • 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and pepper to season
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1/2 loaf of ciabatta, cut the bread horizontally and then vertically, about 2″ slices
  • 1/4 cup of fresh basil, shredded
  • 1/4 cup of fresh Italian parsley, chopped
  • 1/4 cup of fresh mint, chopped

Roasted Tomato Bruschetta


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

Place tomatoes and minced garlic in a baking pan and coat with extra virgin olive oil, and season with salt and pepper.  Roast for 20-25 minutes until tomatoes burst (it’ll be wrinkled and pruney looking).

In a large skillet over medium high heat, drizzle olive oil and place two whole garlic cloves into the oil.  Let the olive oil take on the garlic flavor and discard the garlic.  Be sure not to burn the garlic.  Arrange ciabatta into the skillet, cut-side down and cook until bread turns brown and crispy or to your desire doneness.

Remove tomatoes from the baking pan and into a serving bowl.  Add basil, parsley and mint.  Stir to combine.  Arrange bowl on a large serving platter and place the toasted bread on the platter next to the bowl and serve.

Roasted Tomato Bruschetta

51 thoughts on “Roasted Tomato Bruschetta

  1. These were also fun to eat. Plop some tomatoes on your bread and when you bite into it you get an explosion of flavors in your mouth. Use high quality bread and this dish goes from great to amazing!

  2. Oh my god, Anne, that looks beautiful! I roast whole cherry tomatoes a lot just like that, to toss on pasta dishes mostly, but I’ve always made bruschetta either fresh or from time-consumingly halved and slow-roasted cherry tomatoes. Your version sounds much easier and looks incredible. Yay for summer! (Santa Barbara has also been enjoying full on “June gloom”…)

  3. Bruschetta used to be my “signature” party app – my family always expected me to make it and I’d always do tomato basil and a mushroom one : ). I’ve finally broken the habit but I do love bruschetta. Never tried it with cherry tomatoes your way and I’ll have to correct that. I’ve fallen in love with grape tomatoes in the last few years. As usual, it looks great!

  4. Great idea, Anne. Roasting those tomatoes really brings out their sweetness. Add a couple spices and you’ve got a great bruschetta. These are perfect to nosh upon while waiting for the resident GrillMaster to deliver the goods. 🙂

  5. Really love the burst of tomato based recipes everywhere! I adore tomatoes, especially vine ripened sweet ones. I make something similar to this and toss them in pasta. Having this with toast is a genius idea!

  6. Wow, the roasted grape tomatoes look so mouthwatering delicious Anne! Love the sound of all those fresh herbs combined with the tomatoes and toasted ciabatta. Great choice for noshing on indeed 🙂

  7. Oh, that looks molto delizioso! We’ve been having the oddest weather as well!! Sigh! Can’t wait for tomatoes that have spent lots of time in the SUN! By the way, I LOVE Mojito’s… my friends have crowned me The Mojito Queen! And my car is the colour of a Mojito, which I have named Mojita! My car is a “she”.

  8. Looks so good, I can’t wait until I start getting tomatoes off the cherry tomato plants. We have had nothing but rain and cool weather. At least I can make a mojito and think about your bruschetta.

  9. I love bruschetta – and I especially love all the fresh herbs in this! The weather has been weird here too lately – it was horrendous storms this morning and now it’s sunny and then it’s supposed to storm again later. How about just sunny?? lol

  10. Mouthwatering! My absolute favorite think to do with tomatoes – roasting. Put them together with fresh basil and mint and OMG – gotta have some right now!! I have even slow roasted canned tomatoesin the middle of winter. Results are pretty darn good.

  11. I have lots of grape tomatoes to use before my trip, and this sounds like a perfect use to finish them all. I love bruschetta… I sometimes eat too much that I cannot eat the meal afterwards. =P

  12. This looks delicious! We’re doing bruschetta tomorrow for a party and I am roasting the garlic, but I think roasting the tomatoes as well would be a great idea. I love roasted tomatoes – they are useful for so many things….

  13. Pingback: Roasted Tomato Bruschetta | Nailed It/Failed It

  14. Pingback: Greek Bruschetta | Greek Bruschetta Recipe

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